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COVID-19 Latest Information
covid 19 alert

Top Ranks Home Health continues to be vigilant and takes precautionary measures to protect the health of our clients, our staff members, and the community against the COVID-19 outbreak.

Our agency has implemented safety protocols for our team members and clients to follow in the workplace and our offices. These measures include:

  • Providing information and education on COVID-19
  • Posting information about the precautions needed in the client homes, office, bathrooms, and any areas where staff members would be present
  • Providing each employee who provides direct care with personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary to do their work safely
  • Ensuring sick workers stay home
  • Promptly identifying and isolating persons who are sick
  • Following social distancing and hygiene protocols
  • Implementing workplace cleaning and disinfection protocols
  • Having a supervisor available at all times to respond to questions and concerns, or any emergencies

How to Make your Celebrations Safe

  • Wear a mask with two or more layers over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin.
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from others
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Keep hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol with you and use it when you are unable to wash your hands.

Daily COVID-19 Updates

Kindly check these sites for daily updates of COVID-19 in Virginia.